3 months agoZáhadné UFO objekty nad New Jersey jsou drony hledající ztracený radioaktivní materiál?AENews
3 months agoCigar shaped UFO in Manchester England - UFO latest news - ufo cigar shaped #uap #ovniUncle UFO
3 months agoAutentické záběry UFO objektů pořízené pasažérem letadla letícího z Newarku do Chicaga!AENews
6 months agoALIEN INVASION PSYOP ‘Clear and present danger’ | US police given new UFO handbook. Police have been given guidelines on dealing with sightings of ‘anomalous’ objects in the sky | BE SURE to also watch the videos linked in the description BELOW!!RAVries
1 month agoUFO mania - Plasmoid UFO recorded with an astronomical telescope in super slow motion #Viral #Trending #News #UFO #ORB #FLOATER #PlasmoidVincentFuscoQ
3 months agoUFOs over Washington DC recorded on 11-26-2024 ufo latest news uap washington dc #uap #ufoUncle UFO
1 year agoNew UFO video released at today’s Senate hearing of a metallic orb flying around War-zoneRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
1 year agoSilver UFO over Lake Havasu USA Feb 2009? #UFO #Alien #ET #USO #UAP #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow meAJ's UFO Files
3 months ago1958 USA Nuclear test, Enewetak Atoll : As the bomb goes off, two ufo's uncloakBiological Medicine
3 months agoSighting of Large Luminous Sphere in Mexico 11-25-24 - UFOs latest news - UFO wave #uapUncle UFO