"No tanks, no planes, no missiles to Ukraine!' 🇫🇷 In Paris, they protest against the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The protesters also cut the NATO flag.
🇩🇰DENMARK - The government has cancelled a Christian holiday and is sending the money to NATO instead. They didn’t bother asking citizens. They think citizens matter anymore.
Rallies in Rome. People marched through the streets demanding the country's exit from the EU and NATO, as well as the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions.
Thousands of Moldovans Take to the Streets of Chișinău in Protest of the EU and NATO They demand the resumption of trade with Russia and the resignation of pro-EU President Maia Sandu.
Gesù disse:"in verità vi dico:CHIUNQUE commette peccato è SCHIAVO DEL PECCATO" Gv8 "CHIUNQUE ha bestemmiato contro lo SPIRITO,non ha perdono,ma è reo di un PECCATO ETERNO"Mc3 "chi è nato DALLO SPIRITO è SPIRITO"Gv3