1. Elder Holland Is Asked If the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Is a Cult

    Elder Holland Is Asked If the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Is a Cult

  2. Nephi's Prayer Calms the Storm | 1 Nephi 18:21–22 | Book of Mormon | Faith To Act

    Nephi's Prayer Calms the Storm | 1 Nephi 18:21–22 | Book of Mormon | Faith To Act

  3. The deceptive teachings of the Mormon religion Phoenix Arizona Temple

    The deceptive teachings of the Mormon religion Phoenix Arizona Temple

  4. Mormon church exceeds 200 billion and church authoritys get 120k a year using religious donations

    Mormon church exceeds 200 billion and church authoritys get 120k a year using religious donations

  5. The Spirit Directs Nephi to Slay Laban | 1 Nephi 4:1–19 | Book of Mormon Videos

    The Spirit Directs Nephi to Slay Laban | 1 Nephi 4:1–19 | Book of Mormon Videos

  6. Lehi Blesses Joseph | 2 Nephi 3:3–15 | Book of Mormon | Faith To Act

    Lehi Blesses Joseph | 2 Nephi 3:3–15 | Book of Mormon | Faith To Act

  7. Laman Attempts to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:9–13 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Videos

    Laman Attempts to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:9–13 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Videos

  8. Lehi's Family Arrives at the Promised Land | 1 Nephi 18:23 | Book of Mormon | Faith To Act

    Lehi's Family Arrives at the Promised Land | 1 Nephi 18:23 | Book of Mormon | Faith To Act

  9. Nephi Commits to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:1–8 | Book of Mormon Videos | Faith To Act

    Nephi Commits to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:1–8 | Book of Mormon Videos | Faith To Act

  10. Lehi's Family Departs into the Wilderness | 1 Nephi 2:4–7 | Book of Mormon Videos

    Lehi's Family Departs into the Wilderness | 1 Nephi 2:4–7 | Book of Mormon Videos

  11. The Lord Calls Lehi as a Prophet | 1 Nephi 1:4–6 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Videos

    The Lord Calls Lehi as a Prophet | 1 Nephi 1:4–6 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Videos

  12. Lehi’s Sons Marry the Daughters of Ishmael | 1 Nephi 16:7–9 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Stories

    Lehi’s Sons Marry the Daughters of Ishmael | 1 Nephi 16:7–9 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Stories

  13. Lehi Counsels with His Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 2:1–3 | Book of Mormon Videos

    Lehi Counsels with His Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 2:1–3 | Book of Mormon Videos

  14. Lehi Sees an Iron Rod and Those Who Fall Away | 1 Nephi 8:19–28 | Book of Mormon Videos|Faith To Act

    Lehi Sees an Iron Rod and Those Who Fall Away | 1 Nephi 8:19–28 | Book of Mormon Videos|Faith To Act

  15. The Lord Provides the Liahona | 1 Nephi 16:10–12 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Stories

    The Lord Provides the Liahona | 1 Nephi 16:10–12 | Faith To Act | Book of Mormon Stories