Yuval Noah Harari | "Look At the United States. Very Few People Understand the AI Revolution. Very Few People Make the Keys Decisions About the Future of Everybody. These People Like Elon Musk, Are Not Elected By Anybody."
Yuval Noah Harari | "According to Some Measurements, Democracy In the United States Is Quite Fragile In Terms of If You Think of Who Gets to Vote." - 9/5/204 + "Next Election In the U.S. Is Likely to Be Run By A.I." - 4/28/2023
Invasion | "The Story of History Is the Story of Invasion. One Nations Ends, Another Begins. Invasions Drive History. Few Americans Recognize This Is Happening Right Now. The United States Is Being Invaded. The People Who Lead Us Are Letting It Happe
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is Yuval Discussing the Idea of a CIVIL War In Both America & Israel? "I Think the United States May Be On the Verge of a CIVIL WAR." "People Are Trying to Establish a Dictatorship Here (In Israel)."
General Flynn | "Mike Pence Is Like a Robot Made of Artificial Intelligence Without the Intelligence. Mike Pence, God Help You Because You Are Never Going to Be President of the United States. More Stuff Is Going to Come Out About Mike Pence."
CBDCs | "When You Look At Vaccine Refusers, We'll Just Get Rid of All of the White In the United States." - Carol Baker (Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Appointed By President Obama)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview with Tucker Carlson | "Mike Pompeo Said to Me Before Dinner, The Entire Upper Echelon of That Agency Is Made Up of Individuals That Do Not Believe In the Democratic Institutions of the United States." - 8.14.23