2 years agoThick, Fibrous Clots That Don't Easily Degrade: Morticians Seeing Strange Things With Large VesselsRVM NewsVerified
2 years agoThick, Fibrous Clots That Don't Easily Degrade: Morticians Seeing Strange Things With Large VesselsVigilant News NetworkVerified
15 days agoA 30 year old, in good condition, died suddenly. He was full of white fibrous clots, half a kiloAlice Springs To MindVerified
1 year ago78% of dead bodies have white fibrous clots (caused by vaccine), notes embalmer, Richard HirschmanBiological Medicine
1 year ago78% of dead bodies have white fibrous clots (caused by vaccine), notes embalmer, Richard HirschmanBiological Medicine
1 year ago78% of dead bodies have white fibrous clots (caused by vaccine), notes embalmer, Richard HirschmanFlatEarther46
5 months agoLittle Known Fact: Deep State Threatened President Trump with Long Jail Time if He Blocked CV19 Vaccine Rollout. Well, He blocked Vaccine Mandate and they Removed Him from The White House.teddolbi
4 months ago78% of dead bodies have white fibrous clots (caused by vaccine), notes embalmer, Richard HirschmanConcerned for Truth
2 years ago這是有史以來最大精心策劃的“死亡事件”,五十億人接種新冠疫苗實驗針劑!死者無法為自己發聲,殯儀館遺體收殮師們為“亡者”控訴!我們這代人“必看的紀錄片”_Die Suddenly“猝死”~mcy1227
2 years ago18++ Mysterious fibrous blood clots appear in the bodies of people who have recently died.kvzoo.org - What is happening? | Mi történik?
2 years ago沒有人希望這產業生意興隆!現在連他們自己都覺得懷疑_澳洲殯葬業者的觀察:近半年多來的業績大增(死亡人數攀升),詭異的是_死者生前沒有“死亡預警”!且死亡年齡層在不斷下降中…mcy1227
8 months agoThe BBC sheeple wanted to provoke the GOAT of tennis, Novak Djokovic, and the man who stood up for his principles, no matter what.teddolbi
2 years agoNew Zealand Funeral Director: 95% Of Corpses Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks Of DeathSunfellow On COVID-19
2 years ago搜尋引擎最熱門的關鍵字“Die Suddenly”突然倒地猝死,在各地的死亡案件;遺體中“詭異的血栓”,令“遺體防腐師們”無法再靜默…這是一場“刻意謀害全人類的計畫”_Agenda 21 、The Great Resetmcy1227
2 years agoNew Zealand Funeral Director: 95% Of Corpses Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks Of DeathLibertarian99
1 year agoEPOCH TV | How Vaccine DNA Contamination May Explain Cancers, Autoimmune Diseasesgalacticstorm