CBDCs | "We Are On the Journey (To CBDCS) and the Journey Is Going to Happen." - Lieve Mostrey (The Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear and a member of the World Economic Forum)
LA SIMULAZIONE DEL 2021 CHE HA PREVISTO L'INSORGENZA DEL MPOX(VAIOLO DELLE SCIMMIE) NEL 2024? documenti ufficiali alla mano della NTI bio che dimostrano che la plandemia di MPOX del 2024 è stata programmata anni fa e simulata a Monaco di Baviera
CBDCs | "In Order to Facilitate the Journey Because We Are On the Journey and the Journey Is Going to Happen the Central Banks Need to Align Among Themselves." - Lieve Mostrey (The Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear)