Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign… See document BELOW | John Kerry says "1st Amendment stands as a MAJOR BLOCK" to THEIR ability to control the "FACTS"
Palo Mayombe, A Direct Line to the Devil, Sacrifice of Animals, Drinking of Blood + A Ceremony Involving 17 Men, John Was the Only One Left Standing at the End
Starvation | Why Is Bill Gates Trying to Ban Cows While John Kerry Is Trying to Take the World Back to Pre-Human Carbon Standards? + "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems & Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." Klaus Schwab
Jesus Breaks People's Chains + John Ramirez Challenged Marilyn Manson, Delivered Manson's Girlfriend and Her Demon-Possessed Little Boy and Led Them Both To Christ
World Economic Forum 2023 Meeting | "It's Pretty Extraordinary That a Select Group of Human Beings Are Able to Actually Talk About Saving the Planet. It's Almost Extraterrestrial." - John Kerry