18 days agoReclaiming Personal Freedom Illuminating the TruthRestoring Individual Sovereignty TheLight of TruthHorrorCre8or101
1 year agoHow the Actual Horizon Rises to Eye Level - The Truth Will Set Globe Earthers Free! | Flat EarthLiberty TV
9 months agoThe Sun Isn't in "Space"! Solar Flares/Storms Don't Exist! Get Your Govt to Zoom in with Nikon P900!Liberty TV
9 months ago1912, 1914 & 1921 Newspapers: The Moon, the Earth's Mirror - 100% Earth's Selfie!Liberty TV
8 months agoNo Craft Can Land on the Moon's Near/Far Side! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Controlled/Threatened Govts!Liberty TV
9 months ago1873 Book, The Romance of Astronomy: The Moon...the Most Perfect Mirror of EarthLiberty TV
9 months agoPROOF the Moon Is Not a Spherical Rock: Footage Taken by a Cosmonaut but They Are Denying With LiesLiberty TV
11 months agoODYSSEUS MOON LANDING HOAX: Intuitive Machines = 201 = The Jesuit Order | Share/Reup to Defeat CabalLiberty TV
11 months agoNWO Cabal & Globe Gatekeepers Are Trying Hard to Distract the World from Earth's Mirror on the MoonLiberty TV
11 months ago"Craters" on the Moon Are Mirrors of the Depths of Earth! Don't Be Duped by the Moon Landing Cult!Liberty TV
1 year agoMake Sure All the Good Politicians in Your Country Know That the Moon Is NOT Solid and NOT LandableLiberty TV
6 days agoGolden Sun DNA Mantra by Paul White Gold Eagle #dna #paulwhitegoldeagle #mantra #goldentemplewhitegoldeagle
2 months agoBEWARE! The Final Experiment = Suspected AE/Gleason Gatekeepers + Suspected NASA/Globe GatekeepersLiberty TV
11 months agoEMPIRICAL EVIDENCE: NASA, Bill Nelson, SpaceX, Elon Musk & Intuitive Machines Are Satanic Deceivers!Liberty TV
1 year agoMake Sure All the Good Politicians in Your Country Know That the Odysseus Moon Landing Is 100% FAKELiberty TV
1 year ago★Deep Emotional Trauma Healer★ (Warning: You May Cry and its Ok) (Deep Healing Music 1111Hz)Quadible Integrity
2 months agoWARNING! Their Final Goal Is Neuromodulation and Extermination of the Population | La Quinta ColumnaLiberty TV
1 month ago💥 The Videos Supporting the Claim That the Plasma Moon Is a Mirror Image of the Flat Earth 💥Liberty TV
1 month agoInternational 'Space' Station (ISS) Is a Large 'Space' Station Maintained in a Large Swimming PoolLiberty TV
1 year agoEMPIRICAL EVIDENCE! All Moon Landings Are FAKE! Share/Reupload to Defeat Cabal & "Space" Agencies!Liberty TV
1 month agoChannels Promoting the True Flat-Earth Map Are Likely Shadowbanned! Please Help Share Their Videos!Liberty TV
1 year agoODYSSEUS MOON LANDING HOAX: NASA Is the Biggest Fraudster among the Cabal-Run "Space" AgenciesLiberty TV