ReAwaken America Tour Updates | 24 Tickets Remain for ReAwaken America Tour Miami (May 12th & 13th)!!! Tour Features: Gen Flynn, Julie Green, Dr. Immanuel, E Trump, Stone, Nunes, Patel, Navarro, Lara Trump, Breuer, Feucht, Lindell, Team America, etc
Starvation | Why Is Bill Gates Trying to Ban Cows While John Kerry Is Trying to Take the World Back to Pre-Human Carbon Standards? + "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems & Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." Klaus Schwab
The Great Reset | "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems and Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." - Klaus Schwab | "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Genetic-Editing." - Klaus Schwab