14 days agoThe Hope of Jesus’ Return - 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 - Daily DevotionalWe are Living in the Last Days
8 days agoYou have to be selective in the days ahead, because not everybody is on your side!drock5690
2 years agoUse Psalm 68 to help Isaiah 18 bear evidence of the calendar month of Jesus' ReturnDay1335
1 month agoThe moment Jesus returns at the seventh Trump ! The kingdoms of this 🌎 become the Lord's.Keyofdavid7
2 years agoThe Bad News Of Jesus Christ (it does not benefit all people, only a few. it is up to you.)RevolutionsForTomorrow
4 months agoThe goal at the end of the day is not about performance. It is about loving MORE People!drock5690
2 months agoThe return of Jesus Is a time of Praise 2 Thessalonians 1:10.Day of Devotion, a one minute bible study
2 months agoEverybody Needs A Pardon | How Much Are Pardons Going For These Days | Diddy DiCaprio Ellen Gaga …Brozme
25 days agoThe Coming Days THE LORD is going to reveal himself in a way that YOU know he's been with You!drock5690
2 years agoOUR LORD JESUS - VISION ON EASTER DAY: Evil, Thick and Black Smoke Covers the Holy Church of God!MotherandRefuge
1 year ago020624 Word From God -Return to Me - a message from your Creator YHWH day 50Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago012724 Word From God Return to Me - a message from our Creator YHWH (Day 40)Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline