Dedicated to all the real 'TRUTHERS' & [LINKS/Salesmen] All around The World that do not mention Biodigital Convergence BIO-CYBER INTERFACE Bio-Nano-Things 6g ITU-IOBNT-THZ IEEE-IEC-ISO POLICIES & All The connections in between
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Good 2-Way Communication System Directly Between Brains and Computers It Means That You Can Connect Several Brains Together. Who Am I When I Can Access Directly the Brain of Another Person?" + BrainNet
CBDCs | "A Microchip Population In Which We Are Microchipped with Our Financial Details Our Medical Details. We've Got to Stop Beating About the Bush, Oh My Goodness, How Will They React?!" - David Icke
Yuval Noah Harari | The Great Reset EXPLAINED | "Direct Brain-Computer Interfaces, Adding a Second Inorganic Immune System Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nano Robots."