Kash Patel Theme Song (FULL MIX) | Join Kash Patel, E. Trump, Gen Flynn, Nunes & Team America May 12 & 13 In Miami, FL (18 TIX Remain) + Friday Agenda Announced!!!
I Mean.. You have to Realize That This is God..... But it Can be Other Things Too. It Can Be the Best Dream You Can Dream Up! You'd Just Have to Orient Yourself to That Version of God. God is Everything. I Might Imply it's Simple.. But Not Easy!
EXPLOSION at NYC Con Ed Power Plant! — Get to Where You Need to be BASED on What Your Intuition Reveals to You, NOT NECESSARILY Reports Like This. You’re Being Tested This Era of Aquarius and Those Evolved in Their Psyche, AS REQUIRED, Will Fair Best!
What is the Highest Income Tax Any American Should Have to Pay?—If We Held Legitimate Elections and Lived in Integrity Reflecting 5D This Would Have Been Your Ego-Checked President, But We're Not Done w/ Our Own Ego So the Best Reflection is Trump!
Quicken the Harmony Between You Both by Allowing Them Their Path of Experiential Learning Rather Than Over-Insisting They do it Your Way. ONE [EVEN NO] SUGGESTION IS ENOUGH. | Bashar on Why There’s No Need for That, Nor is it in Their Best Interest!
Bashar—The Influence of the Illuminati. | You are Not Trying to Eradicate the Illuminati (You Think So, But Your Soul Knows Better). SOURCE IS ALL, and Dark Will ALWAYS Exist for the Student-Souls. You’re Working to Ascend Beyond That Hardcore School!
Devin Nunes Theme Song (FULL MIX) | Join Kash Patel, E. Trump, Gen Flynn, Nunes & Team America May 12 & 13 In Miami, FL (18 TIX Remain) + Friday Agenda Announced!!!
No One is Judging You. Give Yourself Grace as You're Participating in This 3D Matrix Which You're Slowly Training Yourself Out of. Train Yourself, But with Patience and Grace for Self. No One is Judging You ❤️ | Phil Good
THESE Are High Frequency! No Need for False-Official Labels 'Good/Bad' or 'God's Plan'. You're Free to Label it Good as YOUR Personal Truth, and CAN Have 'Good' Freq Too. Objectively it’s JUST High-Motion Freq!
THIS is High Frequency! No Use in False-Official Labels 'Good/Bad' (AKA 'God Saved', 'God's Purpose'). You're Free to Label it Good as YOUR Truth, and CAN Have 'Good' Freq Too. Still JUST High-Motion Freq!
The inevitable: You Can be Discerning, But Do Not Over-Judge Yourself for Your Collecting of "Data"! That Data is What Eventually Aligns You with Your Purpose and Better Versions of Yourself. | Phil Good #Shorts