GET TO KNOW YOUR SHERIFF. Cuz When You're Tired of This Crap This is What the Scene Looks Like—Not Because You Can't Do Better, But You Never Do. Humans Wait Til the Last Minute and Corner Themselves into the TOUGHEST Timelines. So, Be Ready!!
NEVER Give RiffRaff the Time of Day Until They Return to Their Authenticity. Until Then They Are Non-Existent! #DELETE | Radio Host GOES OFF on Propagandist Reporter, Gives the Facts, and LEAVES (Just as He Should!)
Scott Pressler Shuts Down Becoming-More-Irrelevant Illuminati-Owned-Soul Hack-Reporter! | A Gay's Superpower When One Knows Thyself Well Enough to Sovereignly Reject The Egregorian Hive Mentality!
Hillary Clinton and John Brennan Have Been Executed, Michael Karcok, Michael Aquino and Thomas Brady are Dead (Either Killed by The System or by Execution, Unconfirmed) + 8-Hour Recording to be Played on a Loop for 10 days, Emergency Broadcast System