14 hours ago🗣️: Exposing the adolescence psyop #andrewtate #tristantate #tatebrothers #millionaireHeartlesssays
27 days ago🗣️: Top G Precious Advice To Mario #andrewtate #tristantate #tatebrothers #millionaireHeartlesssays
20 days ago🗣️: Tate Reveals How To Make It In Girl's #andrewtate #tristantate #tatebrothers #millionaireHeartlesssays
20 days ago🗣️: It's Time To Win The Race #andrewtate #tristantate #tatebrothers #millionaireHeartlesssays
27 days ago🗣️: Tate Reveals Why His Son Not going School #andrewtate #tristantate #tatebrothersHeartlesssays
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25 days ago🗣️: How Manu Times He Didn't Listen To You? #andrewtate #tristantate #tatebrothers #millionaireHeartlesssays
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27 days ago🗣️: Tate Reveals Secret Part Of the Way #andrewtate #tristantate #tatebrothers #millionaireHeartlesssays
1 year agoAn Old Rant on Females from Paris in 2015 | Episode #36 [October 24, 2018] #andrewtate #tatespeechOG TateSpeech
1 year agoWHY I GET CAUGHT CHEATING ON PURPOSE | Episode #215 [December 13, 2021] #andrewtate #tatespeechOG TateSpeech