Q: "As a candidate, Biden was telling people to come to the border - so what changed since then?" Biden's Press Sec: "I don't understand, what do you mean?.. I don’t have the context," - anyway blames Trump and GOP.
Trying to make fun of Trump, Biden couldn't even make this 14 sec full of BS video in 1 take, so it's been done with multiple cuts: "Trump lost 2 debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate..."
5/24/2024 From the sudden cut-off of his live interview with Voice of America on April 19, 2017. Since then, the CCP's harassment of Mr. Guo has escalated, becoming more .断播事件后,中共对郭先生的骚扰模式不断升级(5/12)
Biden admits he was forced out of the race because Pelosi & Democrats thought he'd "hurt them in their races." Pelosi: "So it was his decision... I haven't spoken with him since then..." Biden: "Its not a joke."