Re-upload: David Wilkerson's Shocking Message fulfilled, a sheep to sheep Dividing Sword. In Lev. 37:32 only every 10th Sheep, a red painted mark. YAHUSHUA Said Few Enter the Narrow Gate
Kicks, Punches ok but Mind Controls-Meditations, Sorceries like Dim Mak-Martial Arts Traps. If you're bond by demons by open doors Repent, Call Out to YAHUSHUA HE is more than able to set you Free
Preachers Gone MAD! They're antichrists-Jesse Duplantis says JESUS has not come back cause people are not giving enough Money. Pathetic pimps lead masses to a dark jesus/Protect home reject this spell
After Destroying countless lives. Street Preachers Warn & Rebuke antichrist preacher Mike Murdock to Repent. But he only hardens his heart. Great majority of these pimps will perish (mirrored)
GREAT FALSE WONDERS! Fallen angels take control of false preachers Ken Copeland (reptilian) & Rodney Howard Browne give false prophecies/total chaos. Masses to a dark jesus far from YAH (mirrored)
A FAKE GOSPEL Ken Copeland, a Reptilian, controlled by fallen angels, gives false prophecy to fellow reptilian pimp Morris Cerullo (deceased, not in Heaven) mirrored
fallen angels Rule Over The ICHABOD CHURCHES With RAINING GOLD DUST - Location Bethel, CA. Great Falling Away ushering in the dark jesus/antimessiah. Is Another Gospel (Gal 1:8) mirrored
Over Decades Millions Martyred in name of Jihad (not just ISIS)! Be Cautious with Main & Famous Christian Independent Media almost all can't recognize false prophets. Christians/Jews/Arab Christians/Others in Parts of Africa/Middle East. mirrored
Worldwide fallen angels' powers in our faces. Survival, War v. Saints- Benny Hinn & many others destroyed millions. He was once human but no more. Beware fake revivals/conferences will get worse
Once human, now reptilian Katy brags she sold her soul to satan. YAH SAYS "Can you not understand when Katy Perry says that the leanest cannibalism! Vampirism!" (mirrored)
Prophecy 111 - I, YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, Grant You a HOLY Divorce Decree, for Those Who Need It. "It was only a matter of time before you both would regret your choices.."