1. Take A Cruise With Your Favorite College Football Legends

    Take A Cruise With Your Favorite College Football Legends

  2. A Look at Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson's Visit to Houston with Rep. Crenshaw

    A Look at Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson's Visit to Houston with Rep. Crenshaw

  3. 🔴👀🔴 Crenshaw: Here’s the Truth About the Updated USMCA Deal

    🔴👀🔴 Crenshaw: Here’s the Truth About the Updated USMCA Deal

  4. Rep. Crenshaw: Reopening The Government Was The Right Move - Now Let's Talk About Making a Deal

    Rep. Crenshaw: Reopening The Government Was The Right Move - Now Let's Talk About Making a Deal

  5. Rep. Dan Crenshaw: A Message to Small-Minded Tyrants

    Rep. Dan Crenshaw: A Message to Small-Minded Tyrants

  6. Crenshaw on Impeachment Inquiry Vote: The Facts Haven’t Changed, This Only Codifies a Bad Process

    Crenshaw on Impeachment Inquiry Vote: The Facts Haven’t Changed, This Only Codifies a Bad Process

  7. Crenshaw Demonstrates Why Congress Needs to Approve Trump’s Border Funding Request

    Crenshaw Demonstrates Why Congress Needs to Approve Trump’s Border Funding Request

  8. Crenshaw's Classroom: How Texas Got Its Shape

    Crenshaw's Classroom: How Texas Got Its Shape

  9. Crenshaw on Iran: The US Did What Was Necessary To Ensure Iran Knows the Cost of Escalating Violence

    Crenshaw on Iran: The US Did What Was Necessary To Ensure Iran Knows the Cost of Escalating Violence

  10. Rep Dan Crenshaw Speaking at the White House on Energy Independence

    Rep Dan Crenshaw Speaking at the White House on Energy Independence

  11. At GOP Press Conference, Crenshaw Debunks Two False Premises Being Peddled About the Iran Situation

    At GOP Press Conference, Crenshaw Debunks Two False Premises Being Peddled About the Iran Situation

  12. Crenshaw on Iran: the Iranian People are Looking for the Moral Support of Freedom-Loving America

    Crenshaw on Iran: the Iranian People are Looking for the Moral Support of Freedom-Loving America

  13. 🔴 Price Controls Destroy Innovation

    🔴 Price Controls Destroy Innovation

  14. 🔴 Coronavirus: Facts VS Myths

    🔴 Coronavirus: Facts VS Myths

  15. 🔴👀🔴 Crenshaw: Here's the Truth on Tonight's Historic Impeachment Vote

    🔴👀🔴 Crenshaw: Here's the Truth on Tonight's Historic Impeachment Vote
