2 years ago"Faker than Fake News" Stephen Colbert vs. UTubekookdetector (White Supremacy)UTubekookdetector
3 years agoLarry Elder agrees w/ UTubekookdetector -- voter fraud does NOT have to be widespreadUTubekookdetector
2 years agoStephen Colbert isn't very bright or logical, but he might be onto somethingUTubekookdetector
1 year agoDave Rubin (indirectly) explains why creep Sam Seder is not worth his timeUTubekookdetector
3 years agoStory County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal is worried about threats to Ross WilburnUTubekookdetector
2 years agoStory County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal got duped by COVID-19 'scientocracy'UTubekookdetector