12 hours agoMUST SEE: President Trump takes the podium to chants of “USA” at joint address to CongressRight Side Broadcasting NetworkVerified
3 hours agoTrump says Justin Trudeau and his friends broke the trade deal by allowing bio drugs ( Fentanyl ) to pour in to Canada and make its way to the USA from China killing both Canadians and people in the USA. This is in Trudeaus own words.NORTHAMERICANNEWS01
5 hours agoTrump Must Pull The Usa Out Of Nato Right Now Before It's Too Late - The Trap Has Been Set!Patriots Base
26 days agoZelenského poradce přiznal, že by bylo lepší, kdyby USA vstoupily do přímé války s Ruskem!AENews
1 hour agoTrump Must Pull The Usa Out Of Nato Right Now Before It's Too Late - The Trap Has Been Set!New Q - Benjamin Fulford
14 days agoZelenský odhalil, že mezi USA a Ruskem se znovu jedná o Istanbulské smlouvě z roku 2022!AENews
3 hours agoTrump Must Pull The Usa Out Of Nato Right Now Before It's Too Late - The Trap Has Been Set!Dr. Jan
1 month agoSergej Lavrov povtrdil, že se mezi Ruskem a USA chystá Jalta 2.0 na euroasijském půdorysu!AENews
7 days agoTrump says its true that 4 western provinces are ready to leave Canada and join the USA the first will be AlbertaNORTHAMERICANNEWS01
1 day agoDoug Ford to Cut the power to the USA , Electricity set to skyrocket in the USA, at your Cost.Mike Martins ChannelVerified
27 days agoKatt Williams would be starts "USA! USA! USA!" chants at his comedy show.Question EverythingVerified
1 month agoUSA, EU, NATO: Streit um Verteidigungsetat – "Wird auf weitaus größere Belastung hinauslaufen"RT DEVerified
3 months agoTrumpův senátor prohlásil, že USA financují na Ukrajině patovou válku a je třeba ji ukončit!AENews