Dollar Collapse | "People Ought to Be Very Concerned About a Central Bank Digital Currency. Where They Can Turn Off Your Ability to Purchase Certain Goods Based Upon Your Social Credit Score. That's What Happens In China." Sen Ron Johnson
Yuval Noah Harari | "If You Are Left Behind You Are Facing Something Far Worse, They Won't Event Need You As a Serf or a Slave. If You Build a Digital Dictatorship Based Upon Biometric Sensors and Biometric Data..."
PCR Tests | Is the PCR-Test Creating a Massive Number of Falsely Inflated Positive COVID-19 Cases? Can the PCR Test Potentially Find Anything That You Are Looking for Depending On How High You Turn It Up?
Mark of the Beast | How Quant-Based CBDCs, 5G, COVID-19 Shots, Luciferase-Based Biosensors, Injectable mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, CRISPR, Quantum Dots, Quantum Computers & CERN Have Been Created to Enslave Humanity NOW (See Show Description)