Dr. McCullough: "There's No Other Explanation" — The Vaccines are the Causing Death "They coded the deaths. They said, 'Did the vaccine cause [death] or was there some other cause?' 86% of the time
Zeee media, Alex CIA Jones, Health Ranger, HOPEGIRL, Jane Rubinstine, And All The FRAUDS Selling Product During War Times! We See Right Through You FRAUD GRIFTERS And We're Comming For Your Viewers! MAY THE BEST MAN WIN!
The vent protocols they used to murder your grandparents and relatives freed up tons of time for them to make TikTok dance videos. These are your "Front Line Heroes."
Canada's meeting with Ukraine's self-professed Nazi paramilitary - WOW City T.v. News Finnally Tells The Truth About Something For The 1st Time In 2 Years! Ukraine 🇺🇦