1. The Thing (1982) – The Ultimate Sci-Fi Horror? | 60-Second Review

    The Thing (1982) – The Ultimate Sci-Fi Horror? | 60-Second Review

  2. The Thing (1982) Opening Scene (In the Style Of The Thing From Another World (1951))

    The Thing (1982) Opening Scene (In the Style Of The Thing From Another World (1951))

  3. The Thing (1982): A Symphonic Tone Poem by Alex Gregg

    The Thing (1982): A Symphonic Tone Poem by Alex Gregg

  4. Found Footage That Turns Things Upside Down: “As Above So Below” - Movie Review

    Found Footage That Turns Things Upside Down: “As Above So Below” - Movie Review

  5. Heyoka(SacredClown): He Who Plays The Fool, And Brings Smiles To All (Enlightenment Video)

    Heyoka(SacredClown): He Who Plays The Fool, And Brings Smiles To All (Enlightenment Video)

  6. Move Yourself To The Next Level Telekinesis (Enlightenment Video)

    Move Yourself To The Next Level Telekinesis (Enlightenment Video)

  7. The Thing 4K - Return back to camp -We found this -Blair I'd like you to start an autopsy right away

    The Thing 4K - Return back to camp -We found this -Blair I'd like you to start an autopsy right away

  8. Rick Springfield: Don't Talk To Strangers - on Solid Gold - 1982 (My "Stereo Studio Sound" Re-Edit)

    Rick Springfield: Don't Talk To Strangers - on Solid Gold - 1982 (My "Stereo Studio Sound" Re-Edit)

  9. Crazy But That's How It Goes: Ozzy Osbourne's 10 Metal Quotes, Fly Free & Embrace the Crazy Train

    Crazy But That's How It Goes: Ozzy Osbourne's 10 Metal Quotes, Fly Free & Embrace the Crazy Train
