KATIE HOBBS MUST BE REMOVED AS ARIZONA GOVERNOR NOW! Massive Evidence Proves Election ILLEGAL. Mayes NOT AG, Gallego NOT Senator! “Investigation” Is 1 Year Old & NOTHING WILL HAPPEN-Criminals Protecting Each Other. President Trump MUST INVESTIGATE
CROWN | "The Crown Measures Neural Activity, The Data Allows Us to Use This Stimuli to Create a Desire Mental State." - Neurosity Crown | Corona = Crown | Corona = 666 | Revelation 6:2 | Once They Control the Data In Your Head, Freedom Is Dead.&
CBDCs | "The Federal Reserve Is Considering a CBDC Digital Dollar. The Implications for Privacy & Freedom Are FRIGHTENING." - Steve Forbes + "CBDCs Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Richard Werner (Professor / CBDC Expert)
The Great Reset | "Humans Will Change More In the Next 100 Years Than In Their Existence Before. AI And Biotech Could Undermine the Idea of Individual Freedom. Democracy Cannot Survive the Merger of Biotech & Infotech." - Yuval Noah Harari
Jennifer Gross | “There Is A Saying, As Ohio Goes, So Goes The Nation. Where Do You Think We’d Be If Ohio Had Passed A Medical Freedom Bill?” - Jennifer Gross
Jennifer Gross | “If You Had To Request An Exemption To Keep Your Job In Ohio, You Are Still Very Dangerously Close To The Next Step Of Coercion, Which Is The Loss Of Your Freedom And Liberty.” - Jennifer Gross