1 year ago2023 Israel Tour - Yeshua's Footsteps...Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat, Pastors Carl and Brandon GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
8 months agoPat Boone's Latest Song Inspired by Pastor Carl Gallups' Book! #shortsPastor Carl Gallups
2 years agoAre We Really Living in the "Last Days"? Pastor Carl Gallups Explains (1 min)Pastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoSetting the Lies Straight! With FACT: Biblical, Historical, Scientific! Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoGOD's Witnesses Stunningly Revealed in Black and White Scripture Text! - Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
7 months agoHebrew to English - a prayer and blessing over you, from Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoNo other Savior, No other Book, No other Prophecies Like It! Pastor Carl Gallups PreachesPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoFrom The River to the Sea? Where Did THAT Phrase Come From? Pastor Carl Gallups ExplainsPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoBecause of Moms! (1 min. YT SHORTS) Pastor Carl Gallups on Mother's Day (Hillarious!)Pastor Carl Gallups
1 year ago2023 Israel Tour - Yeshua's Footsteps...Rabbi Zev Porat With Pastor Carl Gallups & Brandon GallupsMessiah of Israel Ministries
10 months ago(SHORT) The One Biblical Prophecy That Infuriates Most of the World - Pastor Carl Gallupscarlgallups
9 months agoARE WE REALLY IN THE LAST DAYS? Pastor Carl Gallups Explains in under 60 seconds!carlgallups
1 year agoThe Global Media Coverup of the Ages! EXPOSED By Key Insiders! By Carl Gallups and Rabbi Zev PoratPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoStunning Revelations! THE YESHUA PROTOCOL - by Carl Gallups - Amazon Top-60 Bestselling AuthorPastor Carl Gallups
8 months agoGo Therefore! Bible Prophecy Conference - OHIO ... July 2024. Pastor Carl Gallups Preaching therePastor Carl Gallups
1 year agoExplosive Best Seller! THE YESHUA PROTOCOL (Trailer) - by Carl Gallups & Defender PublishingPastor Carl Gallups
10 months ago(SHORT) The ALIGNMENT Connection Of Our Prophetic Days! - Pastor Carl Gallupscarlgallups