Yuval Noah Harari | "People Writing Emails. Many People Say, Oh I'm Too Busy, I'll Just Tell ChatGPT to Write a Polite Letter That Says No. On the Other Side You Have Another Human That Says to ChapGPT Tell Me, What Did They Say?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Letter from St. Paul, Which Scholars Believe Was Actually Forged More Than One Hundred Years After He Was Dead. A Letter to a Disciple Called Timothy, In Which Paul Says Women Should Not Be Leaders."
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Letter Allegedly from St. Paul to Timothy, Which Most Scholars Today Think Is a Much Later Forgery. 1st Timothy, This Has Shaped the Views of Billions of Christians for More Than 1,500 Years." - 9/25/24
X | Why Did Elon Musk Change the Name of Twitter to "X"? (Part 2 of 4) Why Does X.com Now Point to Twitter.com? Why Did Elon Musk Tweet Out? "Not Sure What Subtle Clues Gave It Way, But I Like the Letter X."
Satan | Team Satan Mails Us a Letter "Our Servants In Gov't & Media Are Aware of Your Efforts to Restore Donald Trump to the Presidency. You Will Fail. America Is Ours. The Kingdom of Darkness Rise. Your Children Will Convert to Our Way.&quo