AUTO THEFTS, CARJACKINGS IN MAJOR U.S CITIES SPIKE: BLACK & BLACK LATINO MEN TERRORIZING THEIR OWN PEOPLE WITH VIOLENCE & HATRED…“Ye are of your father the devil”...THE CURSES!!🕎 Jeremiah 5:21-27 “among my people are found wicked men”
WHAT IS YOUR TRUE NATIONALITY BROTHA & SISTA YOU CAN’T CELEBRATE A COLOR...WAKE UP JACOB & REPENT🕎Jeremiah 17:4 “And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee;
Damascus, Syria | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Damascus, Syria? Isaiah 17 "Behold, Damascus Is Taken Away from Being a City & It Shall Be a Ruinous Heap."