1 month agoPastor John Piper | You never outgrow the need to preach to yourself the gospel. #gospelManOnAMission316
1 month agoPastor John Piper | You never outgrow the need to preach to yourself the gospel. #gospelFollowerOfChristJesus316
1 month agoPastor John Piper | You never outgrow the need to preach to yourself the gospel. #gospelIMTHEWRETCH
1 month agoMark Spence | This is an in interesting scripture found in the Gospel of John. #gospelofJohnFollowerOfChristJesus316
1 month agoMark Spence | This is an in interesting scripture found in the Gospel of John. #gospelofJohnManOnAMission316
1 month agoMark Spence | This is an in interesting scripture found in the Gospel of John. #gospelofJohnIMTHEWRETCH