Executive Order 14067 Explained | Catherine Austin Fitts Explains, "A Digital Transaction Control Grid...Your Money Will Turn Off 5 Miles from Your Home."
Silicon Valley Bank | What Does the Silicon Valley Bank Failure Mean for YOU NOW?! "The Thing That I'm Most Concerned About Long Term Is That They Are Going to Use This As a Cover Story for a Central Bank Digital Currency." - Carol Roth
CBDCs | "The Federal Reserve Is Considering a CBDC Digital Dollar. The Implications for Privacy & Freedom Are FRIGHTENING." - Steve Forbes + "CBDCs Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Richard Werner (Professor / CBDC Expert)
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies. CBDCs Are a Financial Transaction Control Grid. You Can Have Your Money Turned Off." - C. Fitts + "It's End of the Dollar, Wiping Out Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Is It Going to Be As Private As Cash? No." - Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde (French politician and lawyer who has served as President of the European Central Bank since 2019)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "We Know That We Can Construct a CBDC System Which Is a Mapping of An Individual to an Account. That Is Essential. We Cannot Exist Without That." - Agustín Guillermo Carstens (GM of BIS) - March 1st 2023
Holy Crap!!! | The Great Reset Surveillance-Under-the-Skin-Fourth-Industrial-Revolution-Agenda Explained In Their Own Words Featuring: Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum Founder) & Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)
The Great Reset | "Our Problem and the Thing That We Need to Be Afraid of Is Tyranny Because the Tyranny Is About to Get Much Worse. It's the Passports and the System of Central Bank Digital Currencies That Will Give Them the Power to Do That.&q