Dutch MEP Marcel de Graaff calls the EU out to their faces: "The European Commission and European Parliament cover up their lies, electoral fraud, bribery and corruption and are committed to censorship on social media, all these people must be arrest
Is the phone that you use everyday Connected to Telecommunications systems? How about your Body? ITU-IEEE-NSF-NNI DOESN'T DO CONSPIRACY THEORY THEY DO BUSINESS! 6G BUSINESS!
@HOPEGIRLBLOG I'm hearing through the comments sections that you are trying to create "BEEF" In The Nonvaxer420 Psinergy Community! You better be ready because they are Ready! You blocked them so you could talk shit unnoticed! PUNK MOVES
Dedicated to all the real 'TRUTHERS' & [LINKS/Salesmen] All around The World that do not mention Biodigital Convergence BIO-CYBER INTERFACE Bio-Nano-Things 6g ITU-IOBNT-THZ nano.gov IEEE-IEC-ISO POLICIES & All The connections in between