Mark of the Beast | How Quant-Based CBDCs, 5G, COVID-19 Shots, Luciferase-Based Biosensors, Injectable mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, CRISPR, Quantum Dots, Quantum Computers & CERN Have Been Created to Enslave Humanity NOW (See Show Description)
Exactly what I'm thinkin when the other Video creators Wont talk about #BiodigitalConvergence #DigitalTwin #WBAN #VLC #Optogenetics #A.I.MachineLearning #PrecisionHealthcare #KillBox #SmartHome #5G-6G #Biosensors
Great Reset | Painful TRUTH | How Do They Get Surveillance Under Our Skin? "It's Already Working Right Now." - Todd Callender | Does the Military Actually Get Involved When There Is an Overthrow of the U.S. Government? "No."