Silicon Valley Bank | "It's Important That People Understand They Can Be Bailed In, But You Don't Want a HUGE Run On the Institution, But, There Are Going to Be." - FDIC (11/22) Fact: FDIC Insures $9 Trillion of Bank Deposits w/ $125 B
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Talking About Millions & Billions of AI Agents. If You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. It's Increasingly An AI Deciding Whether to Give You a Loan...A Financial System Run By AIs." - 12/6/2024
Bank Crash | Regulators Seize Signature Bank (March 12th 2013) | "The Old Systems of Trust and of Ownership Will Have to Adapt Radically." - Yuval Noah Harari | "I Expect There Be Bank Runs Beginning Monday." - Bill Ackman (Billionaire
Yuval Noah Harari | "According to Some Measurements, Democracy In the United States Is Quite Fragile In Terms of If You Think of Who Gets to Vote." - 9/5/204 + "Next Election In the U.S. Is Likely to Be Run By A.I." - 4/28/2023