Little Known Fact: Deep State Threatened President Trump with Long Jail Time if He Blocked CV19 Vaccine Rollout. Well, He blocked Vaccine Mandate and they Removed Him from The White House.
This blood taken from a "vaccinated" patient. After three minutes STARTED Clotting! It usually takes 30 minutes for blood to clot in an SST tube, not 3 minutes.
Bill Gates is behind the mass murder of innocent children through his DTP vaccines. Danish study looked at 30 years of data and the girls who had received the DTP vaccine were ten times more likely to die than unvaccinated children.
TRAILER/PREVIEW! From- Sep.30,'24 8p ET: The HONEST CARDIOLOGIST Dr. Peter McCullough's honest truths, have caught up with Fauci, Pfizer, Gates & the Rockefellers.
Erica Knight | "When DOD's Biggest Job Is Fighting the Weather. When the FBI Knows About Active Shooters, Yet They Would Rather Prosecute Moms In the PTA. The World Knows. They Smell Our Weakness And They Are Going to Strike." - Erica Knigh
SYND 30 11 67 ROBERT MCNAMARA RESIGNS AS DEFENCE SECRETARY - PLUS Article IVERMECTIN & Human Fertility and Safety Studies | The HUGE Gap in Research and the Lack of Human Studies
The Rise in Childhood Illness Has Been off the Charts Since the Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 Del Bigtree: "We went from that [12.8%] in the 1980s to now, 54% of America's children have a chronic, permanent, life-long illness