More from China. 🇨🇳 ⚠️If you try to enter public transport with a yellow QR code immediately an alarm goes off. ⚠️If your QR code is not green, you are cut off from society with no access to transport, food and even your residential unit!
Over 5 years ago the people of Taiwan knew Trudeau was paid by China for access & who knows else what. This video was ignored then, but very relevant today. Be sure to read the subtitles.
CBDCs | "You Can Implement Complete Control. Let's Say I Want to Mandate a Vaccine, Your Access to Your Financial Assets Can Be Denied or Stopped If You Don't Do What You Are Told." - Catherine Austin Fitts Explains CBDCs
Great Reset | The Neurosity CROWN | "We Need An ANTI-VIRUS for the Brain." + "You Can Connect Several Brains Together to Create an Inter-Brain Net. Who Am I When I Can Access Directly the Brain of Another Person." Yuval Noah Harari
Surveillance Capitalism | CBDC | "If You Want Into a Room & There Is a Picture of Kim Jong-un On the Wall & the Bracelet Picks Up the Signs of Anger Because It Has Access to Your Brain This Is Very Bad News for YOU." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Good 2-Way Communication System Directly Between Brains and Computers It Means That You Can Connect Several Brains Together. Who Am I When I Can Access Directly the Brain of Another Person?" + BrainNet
Under the guise of ensuring Australians don’t engage in “dangerous behaviour” online, citizens will be required to submit 100 points of ID to use social media, with police having access to their accounts, including private messaging.