Pope Meets with Bill Clinton and Alex Soros After Meeting With the Artist Who Submerged Christ in Urine Last Week. It's a big club and we're not in it. And don't want to be.
The Great Reset | "What Will We Do With All of These USELESS PEOPLE?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "How Do You Create a Class of Slaves That Cannot Even Cognitively Rebel EVER Again." - Whitney Webb "Humans Are Now HACKABLE ANIMALS."
Transgenderism; “This is the worst social contagion that we’ll ever have experienced” Very interesting insight on parents that have transitioned their kids…
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Listen to Somebody Like Lenin or Stalin They Tell You. We Want to Completely Abolish Private Property. The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically."
Great Reset & Build Back Better | Could There Be a Connection? "Our Life In 10 Years from Now Will Be Completely Different. Who Masters Those Technologies Will Be the Master of the World." - Klaus Schwab (Great Reset Author)
COVID Shots | "It's Programmable. So You Take the Ability to Program the Scalpel and You Combine That With the Genetic Information We Have for the Human Genome. You Can Now Program This CRISPR Tool." - Jennifer Doudna (WEF Member)
Elon Musk | "We Must Have Democratization of AI Technology & Make It Widely Available. That's the Reason You (Sam Altman), Me (Elon Musk) And the Rest of the Team (Gates Invested $1 Billion Into Open AI) Created OpenAI." - Musk (2016)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Many of Things I Talk About And People In the West React With Apprehension and FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topic Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!" - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Only Thing the God of the Bible Managed to Create Was Organic Beings, Trees, Giraffes, and Humans. If We Succeed Then Very Soon We Will Be Beyond the God of the Bible."
CBDCs | Remember When General Flynn Warned Us Inflation May Exceed 5%? General Flynn Rewind (September 28th 2021) | "The Rates of Inflation Are At Upwards of 5% Now. I'm Concerned About the Strength & Economic Health of Our Country."
Great Reset | The Connection Between The World Economic Forum, Yuval Noah Harari, Xi Jinping, Klaus Schwab & The Great Reset Agenda "Many of the Things I Talk About In the West React w/ Fear, In China the Reaction Excitement. WOW, We Can Do That
CBDCs | "When You Look At Vaccine Refusers, We'll Just Get Rid of All of the White In the United States." - Carol Baker (Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Appointed By President Obama)
CBDCs | "Under the Guise of a Health Emergency We Are Watching the Central Banks Take Over the Treasuries and the Finances of Sovereign Governments and the Sovereignty of Governments." - Catherine Austin Fitts
Great Reset | The Neurosity CROWN | "We Need An ANTI-VIRUS for the Brain." + "You Can Connect Several Brains Together to Create an Inter-Brain Net. Who Am I When I Can Access Directly the Brain of Another Person." Yuval Noah Harari
The Great Reset | "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems and Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." - Klaus Schwab | "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Genetic-Editing." - Klaus Schwab
Normalizing the LGBTIQA+ Agenda & Normalizing Satanic Ritual Abortions | Could There Be a Connection Between the Two? "We've Worked Really Closely with Hollywood On This." - Sarah Kate Ellis CEO of GLAAD (Pro-LGBT Media Monitoring Group
China & Russia | "We Are for Use of Chinese Yuan In Settlements Between Russia & the Countries of Asia, Africa & Latin America." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) "Change We Haven't Seen In 100 Years." - Xi Jinpin