Yuval Noah Harari | "People Like Stalin, or Hitler Wanted to Follow Everybody. Now It Can Be Done." "Even Our Bodies Will Change In Ways That Were Previously Unthinkable...With Connecting Brains to Computers..."
Yuval Noah Harari | "If Homosexuality Was Against Nature It Just Couldn't Exist." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab Praised By Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, TED Talks, the World Economic Forum)
Michael Yeadon | "We're In the Middle of the Biggest Crime In History, And Will Involve Killing Millions, If Not Billions of People. It is Long Planned." - Michael Yeadon (Scientific Researcher And a Vice President At Pfizer)
Elections | "A.I. Could Be the End of Democracy." "There Is A Chance That the Next Presidential Election Would Be the Last Democrat Election In U.S. History." "Think About the U.S. Presidential Race, AI Tools Create Fake News.&quo
CBDCs | Is Jerome Powell Describing Quant CBDCs? | "If We Were to Pursue a CBDC. Identify Verified, So It Would Not Be An Anonymous Bearer Instrument." - Jerome Powell (Federal Reserve Chairman)
The Great Reset | "Per the U.N. About 860 Million People Could Starve In the Next 24 Months." - Mark Moss + "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems and Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." - Klaus Schwab
COVID-19 Shots | "Risk for Myocarditis Is Greater Than the Benefit of the Vaccine Products." - Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD + "Fourth Industrial Revolution Is That It Changes YOU If You Take the Gene-Editing." - Klaus Schwab
Yuval Noah Harari | "This No Longer Science Fiction. Increasingly, If You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan If You Apply to Some Company to Get a Job Increasingly Its an AI That Decides Whether to Give You the Loan Whether to Give You the Job or Not.&quo
The Great Reset | Why Do Klaus Schwab & Elon Musk Agree On the 4 Great Reset Agenda Items? 1. Universal Basic Income 2. Connecting Brains to Computers 3. Self-Driving Cars 4. Imposing Carbon Taxes
CBDCs | "Everything You Do, Everything You Say and Everything You Buy Is Controlled and Evaluated by the Authorities. It's Not Science Fiction. In China It's a Reality. From Now On Citizens Lives Are Rated and Assessed." - France24
The Great Reset | "The Great Reset / The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "Humans Are Hackable Animals" - Yuval Noah Harari + "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.&