"You Can't Hide This Anymore" Edward Dowd Breaks Down the CDC Data and Explains Why He Thinks There Will Be Consequences "The rate of change [in all-cause mortality] is the smoking gun.
"Safe and Effective" - The FDA Was Presented With Tens of Thousands of Adverse Events While Approving the COVID Jab "These are tens of thousands of people hurt or missing... serious outcomes... This was private; they didn't tell us.
Yuval Noah Harari: Discrimination In The Future Will Be Based on a Score System "We will face individual discrimination, and it might actually be based on a good assessment of who you are...
Dystopian Surveillance State Is "Now Possible" - Yuval Noah Harari, Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab "Dictators always dreamt about completely eliminating privacy, monitoring everybody all the time and knowing everything you do
Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Is Just a Skirmish—We Have a Much Bigger Problem "[The WEF] has a clear agenda which is not aligned with the U.S. Constitution... They are actively trying to advance the cause of a one-world government