1. The Bigfoot recorded in 1967, by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin is verified authentic? #bigfoot

    The Bigfoot recorded in 1967, by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin is verified authentic? #bigfoot

  2. In 1627 the Tartarian Map was created by Dutch Cartographer Willem Blau #tartarian #maps #tartaria

    In 1627 the Tartarian Map was created by Dutch Cartographer Willem Blau #tartarian #maps #tartaria

  3. Was Alexandra Palace in London a Shrine that was used in the Old World ? #worldfair #tartaria

    Was Alexandra Palace in London a Shrine that was used in the Old World ? #worldfair #tartaria

  4. Ferdinand Magellan was the first to mention he observed the Patagonian Giants #giants #patagonia

    Ferdinand Magellan was the first to mention he observed the Patagonian Giants #giants #patagonia

  5. During Catherine the Great.. the Moscow Orphanage or Foundling Home was created #orphantrains

    During Catherine the Great.. the Moscow Orphanage or Foundling Home was created #orphantrains

  6. Alot of Tartarian History is in the Russian Language and hasn't been translated... #tartaria

    Alot of Tartarian History is in the Russian Language and hasn't been translated... #tartaria

  7. In The Old World We Had Vimanas Which Were Anti-Gravity Craft Using Mercury Vortex Engines #tartaria

    In The Old World We Had Vimanas Which Were Anti-Gravity Craft Using Mercury Vortex Engines #tartaria

  8. Great Tartaria's destruction happened over many Centuries, the Mud Floods were one of many events..

    Great Tartaria's destruction happened over many Centuries, the Mud Floods were one of many events..

  9. Ornate Buildings in the Rio de Janeiro World Fair Independence Centenary International Exposition

    Ornate Buildings in the Rio de Janeiro World Fair Independence Centenary International Exposition

  10. Joe McMoneagle claimed he left the Stargate Project during December 1984 #remoteview #mars

    Joe McMoneagle claimed he left the Stargate Project during December 1984 #remoteview #mars

  11. Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit was created after the Foo Fighter sightings in WW2 #ufos

    Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit was created after the Foo Fighter sightings in WW2 #ufos

  12. Admiral Byrd recorded 1700 miles in his diary on his flight to the Poles #admiralbyrd

    Admiral Byrd recorded 1700 miles in his diary on his flight to the Poles #admiralbyrd

  13. Admiral Richard E Byrd of the US Navy flew two missions to the Hollow Earth #hollowearth #conspiracy

    Admiral Richard E Byrd of the US Navy flew two missions to the Hollow Earth #hollowearth #conspiracy

  14. Nephilim giants were created when evil angels procreated with human women #daysofnoah #giants #giant

    Nephilim giants were created when evil angels procreated with human women #daysofnoah #giants #giant

  15. Besides the Eruption of Mount Tambora, there were Many other Active Volcanoes all over the Planet..

    Besides the Eruption of Mount Tambora, there were Many other Active Volcanoes all over the Planet..

  16. The Hollow Earth Theory explains there Hole in the North and South Pole #hollowearth #conspiracy

    The Hollow Earth Theory explains there Hole in the North and South Pole #hollowearth #conspiracy

  17. The Kandahar Giant appeared from the Tora Bora and speared the Soldier #kandahar #giants #giant

    The Kandahar Giant appeared from the Tora Bora and speared the Soldier #kandahar #giants #giant

  18. We had a World Reset before the Industrial Revolution #tartaria #tartarian #tartars #reset

    We had a World Reset before the Industrial Revolution #tartaria #tartarian #tartars #reset

  19. Tartarians understood Anti-Gravity Technology #tartaria #tartarian

    Tartarians understood Anti-Gravity Technology #tartaria #tartarian

  20. Tartarians optimised metals like gold, aluminium, silver, and copper to conduct the Electricity

    Tartarians optimised metals like gold, aluminium, silver, and copper to conduct the Electricity

  21. Tartarians used Isochronic Tones within their Music to Tune into Frequencies #tartaria #tartarian

    Tartarians used Isochronic Tones within their Music to Tune into Frequencies #tartaria #tartarian

  22. In the 1800's Priests in the Spanish Catholic Church put Orphans into Foundling Homes #orphantrains

    In the 1800's Priests in the Spanish Catholic Church put Orphans into Foundling Homes #orphantrains

  23. The narrative of the Declaration of Abroath states the Scottish People came from Scythia #scythian

    The narrative of the Declaration of Abroath states the Scottish People came from Scythia #scythian

  24. The Scythians and Eastern Iranians became the Sarmatian Aryans #scythian #sarmatian #slavic #scythia

    The Scythians and Eastern Iranians became the Sarmatian Aryans #scythian #sarmatian #slavic #scythia

  25. The territories of Scythia were a huge expanse of Central Eurasia #scythian #eurasia

    The territories of Scythia were a huge expanse of Central Eurasia #scythian #eurasia
