1. Yuval Noah Harari | "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System. COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin."

    Yuval Noah Harari | "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System. COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin."

  2. Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Gives Stark Warning to Those Sitting on the Fence

    Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Gives Stark Warning to Those Sitting on the Fence

  3. Canadian Politeness and Political Correctness.Pastor Artur Pawlowski@Street Church Calgary

    Canadian Politeness and Political Correctness.Pastor Artur Pawlowski@Street Church Calgary
