1. Sen. Rubio Delivers Remarks at Press Conference on Landmark Burn Pits Legislation to Help Veterans

    Sen. Rubio Delivers Remarks at Press Conference on Landmark Burn Pits Legislation to Help Veterans

  2. Telemundo 31 Sobre la Mesa Redonda del Sen. Rubio con Emprendedores y Pequeños Comerciantes de FL

    Telemundo 31 Sobre la Mesa Redonda del Sen. Rubio con Emprendedores y Pequeños Comerciantes de FL

  3. Senator Rubio Urges President Biden to Support Expansion of Stimulus Checks for Americans in Need

    Senator Rubio Urges President Biden to Support Expansion of Stimulus Checks for Americans in Need

  4. Senator Rubio Talks Vaccine Rollout in Florida, Big Tech, and How to Safely Celebrate the Super Bowl

    Senator Rubio Talks Vaccine Rollout in Florida, Big Tech, and How to Safely Celebrate the Super Bowl

  5. Vice Chair Rubio Speaks at Senate Intel Hearing on Noms Matthew Olsen, Stacey Dixon & Thomas Monheim

    Vice Chair Rubio Speaks at Senate Intel Hearing on Noms Matthew Olsen, Stacey Dixon & Thomas Monheim

  6. Sen. Rubio Leads Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in Releasing Final Volume of Russia Report

    Sen. Rubio Leads Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in Releasing Final Volume of Russia Report

  7. Senator Rubio Chairs a Senate Intelligence Hearing on Nominees Chris Miller & Peter Hovakimian

    Senator Rubio Chairs a Senate Intelligence Hearing on Nominees Chris Miller & Peter Hovakimian

  8. Rubio Chairs Senate Intelligence Hearing on Nominee Peter Thomson to be Inspector Gen of the CIA

    Rubio Chairs Senate Intelligence Hearing on Nominee Peter Thomson to be Inspector Gen of the CIA

  9. Senator Rubio Speaks on Senate Floor Regarding the Extension of PPP Funds for Small Businesses

    Senator Rubio Speaks on Senate Floor Regarding the Extension of PPP Funds for Small Businesses
