2 years ago"W.H.O. is like unto the Beast. W.H.O. is able to make war with Him" - Revelation 13:4HARPAXO
2 years agoRussell Brand the shill thinks this psychopath Yuval Noah Harari is a beautiful personHARPAXO
2 years agoBall Baal Bull! These globalists are God-haters! They know what GOD did to Baal-worshippers!HARPAXO
1 year agoServant of Evil – The Great Reset … is PURE EVIL! (See description - Marcum)MyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoblood clot explosions in the head - brain anuerism courtesy of the vaccine bioweaponHARPAXO
2 months agoPreview - Channeling NIKOLA TESLA & EINSTEIN | Remote Viewing The Philadelphia ExperimentRising Phoenix Aurora