1. Dark Pools are needed by Hedgies to move Billions of counterfeit AMC shares AMC GME MOASS

    Dark Pools are needed by Hedgies to move Billions of counterfeit AMC shares AMC GME MOASS

  2. Credit Suisse Investors hired Lawyers to investigate Securities Fraud Unlawful Business Practices

    Credit Suisse Investors hired Lawyers to investigate Securities Fraud Unlawful Business Practices

  3. SBF ex FTX CEO was donating to state and local politicians also to control crypto on state level

    SBF ex FTX CEO was donating to state and local politicians also to control crypto on state level

  4. Regal forced to close 39 locations as part of their bankruptcy Could have sold to AMC AMC MOASS

    Regal forced to close 39 locations as part of their bankruptcy Could have sold to AMC AMC MOASS

  5. Yahoo says APE market cap is 2.88B so at $1.75 a share that’s 1.645B APE shares Where is the SEC?

    Yahoo says APE market cap is 2.88B so at $1.75 a share that’s 1.645B APE shares Where is the SEC?

  6. Was the NYSE halted today to help institutions with liquidity issues? AMC MOASS

    Was the NYSE halted today to help institutions with liquidity issues? AMC MOASS

  7. You have 10 counterfeit Rolexes you go to jail you have Billions of counterfeit shares you get rich

    You have 10 counterfeit Rolexes you go to jail you have Billions of counterfeit shares you get rich

  8. Stocks To Watch For Today! $AUVI, $NMRD, $LUV, $AMC

    Stocks To Watch For Today! $AUVI, $NMRD, $LUV, $AMC

  9. Citadel fined $9M in South Korea for algorithmic trading Only in USA are they immune to enforcement

    Citadel fined $9M in South Korea for algorithmic trading Only in USA are they immune to enforcement

  10. Bitconnect ordered to pay back $17 Million to people they defrauded SEC pay attention

    Bitconnect ordered to pay back $17 Million to people they defrauded SEC pay attention

  11. AMC runs on Thursday We buy calls they crash it on friday to keep the premiums Criminality 101

    AMC runs on Thursday We buy calls they crash it on friday to keep the premiums Criminality 101

  12. SEC wants Gemini who might have violated the law but Hedgies who have violated law no charges Why?

    SEC wants Gemini who might have violated the law but Hedgies who have violated law no charges Why?

  13. Goldman Lost $1.2 Billion in 9 months Liquidity drying up Will they close their shorts? AMC GME

    Goldman Lost $1.2 Billion in 9 months Liquidity drying up Will they close their shorts? AMC GME

  14. Brokers want to pay $600 a month to lend your shares but they make $2400 Is that intelligent?

    Brokers want to pay $600 a month to lend your shares but they make $2400 Is that intelligent?

  15. According to Ortex the AMC CTB average is 321.63% Will smaller Hedgies be forced to cover?

    According to Ortex the AMC CTB average is 321.63% Will smaller Hedgies be forced to cover?

  16. AMC makes more in concession sales than tickets sales Lots more debt should have been paid off

    AMC makes more in concession sales than tickets sales Lots more debt should have been paid off

  17. Does AA work for retail investors, AMC or Antara and the Hedgies ?

    Does AA work for retail investors, AMC or Antara and the Hedgies ?

  18. Morgan Stanley bumps up forecast on China growth stocks and Yuan Is it for Margin requirements?

    Morgan Stanley bumps up forecast on China growth stocks and Yuan Is it for Margin requirements?

  19. Citadel cancelled 648M AMC buy orders Will a Madoff confession be the only way SEC does its job?

    Citadel cancelled 648M AMC buy orders Will a Madoff confession be the only way SEC does its job?

  20. Goldman Sachs laying off additional 800 employees Liquidity drying up AMC GME MOASS

    Goldman Sachs laying off additional 800 employees Liquidity drying up AMC GME MOASS

  21. AMC CTB down to 102% Hedgies shorted Millions of counterfeit shares in market today Guaranteed FTDs

    AMC CTB down to 102% Hedgies shorted Millions of counterfeit shares in market today Guaranteed FTDs

  22. Sharks use “Fleecing the flock” to rob retail investors and SEC has to be aware AMC MOASS

    Sharks use “Fleecing the flock” to rob retail investors and SEC has to be aware AMC MOASS

  23. Brokers credited our accounts with AMC shares even though Citadel cancelled the buy orders

    Brokers credited our accounts with AMC shares even though Citadel cancelled the buy orders

  24. Milk Bread eggs and butter at all time highs How is inflation going down? Fake data as always

    Milk Bread eggs and butter at all time highs How is inflation going down? Fake data as always
