Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Lead Advisor "We Don't Have to Wait Until Christ's Second Coming to Overcome Death a Few Geeks In a Laboratory Can Do It If We Give Them Enough Time and Money."
CBDCs | The Internet of Bodies | "Up Until Now the Conversation We've Been Having Is Around Freedom of Speech, However Once We Can Access People's Thoughts and People's Emotions..."
General Flynn | CBDCs | An Urgent New Year's Announcement from General Flynn | "In the Army We Would Say Embrace the SUCK. I Want People to Be Laser-Focused In 2023" - General Flynn + The Dangers of CBDCs &Turn-Key Totalitarianism
CBDCs | "The Fully Controlled Non-Anonymous Central Bank Currencies Is Approaching Faster Than We Think. The New York Fed Is Running a 12 Week Pilot Program with Major Banks."
CBDC | "A CBDC System Is a Complete Control System." - Catherine Austin Fitts | CBDC | "Mark My Words. We're Going to Have a Banking Collapse. The FED Will Say Look We Have to Stop This. All You Have to Do Is Sign In." Glenn Beck
CBDC | "A CBDC System Is a Complete Control System." - Catherine Austin Fitts | CBDC | "Mark My Words. We're Going to Have a Banking Collapse. The FED Will Say Look We Have to Stop This. All You Have to Do Is Sign In." - Glenn Bec