The Traffic Is Beautiful This Time of Year | The ReAwaken America Tour Heads to Miami, FL (Oct 13 & 14 - 21 Tickets Remain) Request Tickets Via Text 918-851-0102
Speaker of the House | "A lot of People Have Calling Me About Speaker. All I Can Say Is That We'll Do Whatever Is Best for the Country & the American People. We Are Leading By Like 50 Points for President, My Focus Is Totally On That."
Speaker Mike Johnson | What Are Your Thoughts On Speaker Mike Johnson's Statement? "We Can't Allow Putin to Prevail in Ukraine" | *****Please LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!
Yuval Noah Harari | "Artificial Intelligence Is Different It Can Take Power Away from Us. What Happens When A.I. Can Create Deep Fakes of Your Everything, Your Voice, Your Image, the Way You Talk, the Type of Words You Use?"
Beholder the Clog Dawg | The White Van and the ReAwaken America Tour Heads to Miami, FL (Oct 13 & 14 - 21 Tickets Remain) Request Tickets Via Text 918-851-0102