3 years agoSWTOR Empire Daily Heroics on Corellia | Explosive Assault | Sith Inquisitor - Lightning SorcererTheWanderingSorcerer
4 years agoSWTOR DPS Lightning Sorcerer - Belsavis Heroic Mission: A Rock and a Hard Place. Laptop GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer
4 years agoSWTOR DPS Lightning Sorcerer - Hoth Heroic Mission: Taking the Heat. 2020 i7 Laptop GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer
4 years agoSWTOR 6.0 Lightning Sorcerer PVE Gameplay. Cademimu Flashpoint - Boss Fight: General OrtolTheWanderingSorcerer
4 years agoSWTOR Alderaan Heroic Mission | Spring Thaw | 6.0 Onslaught Lightning Sorcerer | 9700k | 2070tiTheWanderingSorcerer
4 years agoSWTOR Bonus Boss: GXR 7 Command Droid | The Black Talon | Level 75 Lightning Sorcerer | 1080pTheWanderingSorcerer
1 year agoSWTOR Master Flashpoint | Level 75 Lightning Sorcerer - Syndic Zenta (June, 2020 Gameplay)inaudiblefuzzVerified
4 years agoSWTOR Lightning Sorcerer | Rasmus Blys Boss Fight | Hardmode - 4 Player FlashpointTheWanderingSorcerer
5 years agoStar Wars - SWTOR | Tatooine Daily Heroic Mission - Black Box | Lightning Sorcerer | 2020 GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer
5 years agoSWTOR DPS Lightning Sorcerer - Belsavis Heroic Mission: Republic Secrets. 2020 Laptop GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer
5 years agoSWTOR Lightning Sorcerer | Blood Hunt Flashpoint | Veteran Difficulty | Shae Vizla Final Boss FightTheWanderingSorcerer
5 years agoSWTOR DPS Lightning Sorcerer - Hoth Heroic Mission: Deconstruction Efforts. 2020 i7 Laptop GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer
5 years agoSWTOR Daily Corellia Heroic | Corsec Crackdown | Level 75 Lightning Sorcerer | 2020 GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer
5 years agoSWTOR Dromund Kaas Heroic Mission - Personal Challenge | Level 75 DPS Lightning Sorcerer | PvE 2020TheWanderingSorcerer
5 years agoSWTOR Voss Mission - Cleanse the Corrupted | Level 75 DPS Lightning Sorcerer | 2020 GameplayTheWanderingSorcerer