1. Drew Baye. People say 'must explode in positive't hen control in negative....NONSENSE

    Drew Baye. People say 'must explode in positive't hen control in negative....NONSENSE

  2. Drew Baye. The slower a muscle contracts concentrically [shortening] the more FORCE IT CAN PRODUCE

    Drew Baye. The slower a muscle contracts concentrically [shortening] the more FORCE IT CAN PRODUCE

  3. Drew Baye.Afterward, tell them: I did not help-it was you Did not do this for their physical benefit

    Drew Baye.Afterward, tell them: I did not help-it was you Did not do this for their physical benefit

  4. Drew Baye. Time under Load is a measure of performance

    Drew Baye. Time under Load is a measure of performance

  5. Drew Baye. "At that point, stop" -adding more work will not increase the effectiveness of stimulus

    Drew Baye. "At that point, stop" -adding more work will not increase the effectiveness of stimulus

  6. Drew Baye. Get to a point, even momentarily,where you ARE WORKING ASINTENSELY AS YOU ARE CAPABLE

    Drew Baye. Get to a point, even momentarily,where you ARE WORKING ASINTENSELY AS YOU ARE CAPABLE

  7. JAY VINCENT b | Leg exercise but quads burning? DON’T CHANGE ANGLES or POSITION

    JAY VINCENT b | Leg exercise but quads burning? DON’T CHANGE ANGLES or POSITION

  8. Drew Baye. Coaches, trainers need to take clients' safety very seriously...

    Drew Baye. Coaches, trainers need to take clients' safety very seriously...

  9. Drew Baye. This approach is just as effective as any other effective method...-but this is safer

    Drew Baye. This approach is just as effective as any other effective method...-but this is safer

  10. Between April 23 and June 24 2022 there have been 10,706 Excess Deaths in England and Wales

    Between April 23 and June 24 2022 there have been 10,706 Excess Deaths in England and Wales

  11. 이재갑 교수의 거짓말 : 심근염 보상(Prof. Lee Jae-gab's falsehood : indemnity about myocarditis)

    이재갑 교수의 거짓말 : 심근염 보상(Prof. Lee Jae-gab's falsehood : indemnity about myocarditis)
