1 year ago“Anti-Institutional Extremism”—Dutch Spooks' New Buzzphrase For Scepticism - UK Column NewsNot MSM
1 year agoMP Martyn Day reminds the government that the choice to use cash is central to upholding freedomNot MSM
1 year agoThe Government Will Not Properly Test Vaccines Because They’re Too Afraid of What They Would FindNot MSM
1 year agoSky Net Project & Sharp Eye Project aims to identify any of its 1.3 billion citizens within 3 secondNot MSM
1 year agoFacebook is accused of using COVID fact checkers that were FINANCED by vaccine companies.Not MSM
1 year agoHere comes the planned fallout folks....... BBC coverage confirming deaths and injuries...Not MSM
1 year agoIt Was Barack Obama Who First Pushed Teaching Sex Education to Kindergarteners Back in 2007.Not MSM
1 year agoAnti vax mocking guy with a BIG HEART joining the lost army of the unawakened - he did he died.Not MSM