Has the Pandemic Response Made the Problem Worse? Dr. Paul Alexander Conveys His Answer "This vaccine rollout, the way it has been done, and the way it is continuing, will keep in variants emerging one variant after the next. And they're gonna
Dr. James Thorp responds to NZ Government advisor Dr. Turner who has been pushing these experimental injections on pregnant women The vaccines are extraordinarily dangerous. Your proponents are pushing a vaccine that’s responsible for killing!
Tedros: "I have written to and spoken with high level Chinese leaders on multiple occasions... The continued politicization of the [Covid] origins research has turned what should be a purely scientific process into a geopolitical football."
Artificial Intelligence | "There Is an Expert from The Machine Intelligence Research Institute Who States Says That If There Is Not An Indefinite Pause On AI Development Literally Everyone On Earth Will Die." Peter Doocy (Fox News)