1. 71 Years Old Man Beaten to Death by CCP's ChengGuan/71歲中國老人被城管當街毒打致死,城管搶屍後否認暴行

    71 Years Old Man Beaten to Death by CCP's ChengGuan/71歲中國老人被城管當街毒打致死,城管搶屍後否認暴行

  2. A College President Shouted to Sanction a Student for Reporting Survey Result 校長大罵異見學生在挑唆煽動

    A College President Shouted to Sanction a Student for Reporting Survey Result 校長大罵異見學生在挑唆煽動

  3. Private Properties Seized by the CCP in Pingyao County, Shanxi Province in China 山西平遙祖屋被搶 共產風再起

    Private Properties Seized by the CCP in Pingyao County, Shanxi Province in China 山西平遙祖屋被搶 共產風再起

  4. Two bodies found in search for a missing cab driver in river in Chengdu 成都的哥跳水救人後失踪,家屬沿河打撈起兩具屍體均不是他

    Two bodies found in search for a missing cab driver in river in Chengdu 成都的哥跳水救人後失踪,家屬沿河打撈起兩具屍體均不是他

  5. A Newly Opened Restaurant Forced to Shut Down by "Cheng Guan" for no Reason 普通市民貸款百萬開店謀生,城管暴力強拆無法無天

    A Newly Opened Restaurant Forced to Shut Down by "Cheng Guan" for no Reason 普通市民貸款百萬開店謀生,城管暴力強拆無法無天

  6. Chinese Bank Customer Unable to withdraw Cash in Dollar Although She Deposited $. 招商銀行存美元取人民幣,不取拉倒.

    Chinese Bank Customer Unable to withdraw Cash in Dollar Although She Deposited $. 招商銀行存美元取人民幣,不取拉倒.

  7. The public in Changchun City, Jilin Province Shout "Government, Return Our Money!" 吉林民衆高喊“政府,還錢”

    The public in Changchun City, Jilin Province Shout "Government, Return Our Money!" 吉林民衆高喊“政府,還錢”

  8. Digital Control in China, Cell Phone Data Can Be Gathered When Driving 中共國數字化監控 能收集過往車輛乘客和駕駛員手機信息

    Digital Control in China, Cell Phone Data Can Be Gathered When Driving 中共國數字化監控 能收集過往車輛乘客和駕駛員手機信息

  9. PLA General Wang Hongguang Dares US to Deploy THAAD in Taiwan 中共原南京军区副司令王洪光中将放言美国不敢陈兵台湾

    PLA General Wang Hongguang Dares US to Deploy THAAD in Taiwan 中共原南京军区副司令王洪光中将放言美国不敢陈兵台湾

  10. No. 3 Flood Hit Chongqing, Causing An Thousand-year-old Town Be Flooded 長江第3號洪水過境重慶 磁器口遭淹沒

    No. 3 Flood Hit Chongqing, Causing An Thousand-year-old Town Be Flooded 長江第3號洪水過境重慶 磁器口遭淹沒

  11. PLA Doctor: We Can Choose "Best of The Best" Liver from Qigong Practitioners for You. 震撼!中共活摘器官真实录音

    PLA Doctor: We Can Choose "Best of The Best" Liver from Qigong Practitioners for You. 震撼!中共活摘器官真实录音

  12. The 300-year-old Xi’An Church is at Stake of Being Demolished 300年曆史的西安五星街教堂將遭拆除

    The 300-year-old Xi’An Church is at Stake of Being Demolished 300年曆史的西安五星街教堂將遭拆除

  13. "The Three Gorges Dam Makes Flooding 25 Times Worse" “三峽大壩洩洪的破壞力是自然洪水的25倍”

    "The Three Gorges Dam Makes Flooding 25 Times Worse" “三峽大壩洩洪的破壞力是自然洪水的25倍”

  14. Boy in China Dares President Trump to be More Involved in "This Battle" 中共國小學生會英文戰狼向美國總統下戰書

    Boy in China Dares President Trump to be More Involved in "This Battle" 中共國小學生會英文戰狼向美國總統下戰書

  15. Florida, Brevard County ~ Covid19 ~ Truth Getting Out

    Florida, Brevard County ~ Covid19 ~ Truth Getting Out
