4 years agoThe sword is a sacred weapon, that cuts the evil! [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoYou destroyed my life, left my heart broken and hurt... [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoYour love is like raindrops, I wanted it to rain every day! [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoA dream can not end, never give up (Motivation) [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoI just want get the train to the station and disappear in this world... [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoIn a great war, there are heroes, being a soldier is not easy... [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoI have to wear a gas mask, you are a toxic person, fake friendship! [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoWhen the opponent is strong, it takes more than one sword! [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
3 years agoDon't try to kill yourself, suicide is prohibited, not give up! [Poetry] [Remake] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
3 years agoPizza is salty, chocolate is sweet: My love, kiss me again! [Poetry] [Remake] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
3 years agoYou left our friendship to follow your way... [Poetry] [Remake] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoI still have hope of you love me some day [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoA tsunami, volcano, tornado and earthquake: My love for you is so strong [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoIn the book of love, I want write my story with you! [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
2 years agoLife is a casino: Where you can lose or win! [Poetry] [Remake] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
2 years agoThe black rose is special, it is pure darkness, brings death... [Poetry] [Remake] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
2 years agoI want to take you to stars, I will give my heart, I love you! [Poetry] [Remake] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoOnly your love can heal my broken heart... [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoThe black rose is special, it is pure darkness, brings the death... [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoThis is the Sahara Desert, a special place, Sun not give a truce! [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoThe moment of truth has arrived, your time is over, you lose! [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
2 years agoI'm not the Phoenix, reborn from ashes, forged like a sword! [Poetry] [Remake] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years ago10 tips to win the love and heart of someone special! [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoThe heart of a woman it's like the full Moon, womens are special! [Poetry] [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems