9 months ago4月2日 救援营地日常工作及趣事,乌克兰救援前线战友:Nicole 小小酥 NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Take Down the CCP GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago4月2日 来自台湾的新战友naive用自己的行动帮助乌克兰灾民,乌克兰救援前线战友:小小酥 NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Take Down the CCP GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago4月1日 一杯咖啡温暖世界,乌克兰救援前线战友:Nicole NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Take Down the CCP GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago3月30日 81岁母亲走了60公里的路,只为等待儿子的到来,乌克兰救援前线战友:小小酥 文耀 NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Take Down the CCP GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago小皮匠参加爆料革命的历程《Follow Miles's Youth》Miles Guo NFSC Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE GETTR《跟随七哥的芳华》Miles Guo Take Down the CCP
9 months ago厨艺精湛的封神榜战友 《Follow Miles's Youth》Miles Guo NFSC Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE GETTR《跟随七哥的芳华》Miles Guo Take Down the CCP
9 months agoThe daily work of Ukraine’s rescue frontline comrades 3月16日 乌克兰救援前线战友的日常工作:小小酥 NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago3月31日 从乌克兰逃离的台湾人,这位新加入的战友是我们与难民之间沟通的桥梁,乌克兰救援前线战友:Ken Ken 小小酥 NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Take Down the CCP GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago乌克兰救援-妮可文科采访德国钢琴家 NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago4月2日 来自德国南部的Philipp在梅蒂卡边境给难民们派发花生,来自前线记者战友:Nicole NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Take Down the CCP GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago4月3日 前线战友用爱心帮助一名怀有身孕的妇女NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESENFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
8 months ago35-4月7日法国义工排队喝NFSC咖啡,问我们要灭共马甲,说要穿到法国巴黎,公开支持新中国联邦灭共! 来自前线记者战友: NicoleNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
8 months ago4月7日来自韩国的义工看到我们马甲上的字,知道我们是灭共的新中国联邦人 NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Take Down the CCP GETTRNFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago4月3日 法治基金新中国联邦的帐篷是“ Liberation Tent“ (获得自由的帐篷)NFSC Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo CCP≠CHINESENFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago2021 Global Getter Awards Ceremony: Winner of the CCP’s Biggest Nightmare Award——Mr. Guo WenguiNFSCHimalayaJapanGalaxy
10 months ago感谢🙏 ,银河系以改变中国人的形象为己任,今年继续努力!#魔女有约🌹NFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
10 months ago我在为:新中国联邦新春晚会录制视频,2。😉🖖🖖,和英国钢琴门的大外宣们不同吧!😉🤭 我们有强大的力量!是..。 #魔女有约🌹NFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago日本银河系小宇宙去了文贵先生在纽约的拘留所外面录了这段话❤️ #NFSC #Miles Guo #Take Down the CCP #CCP≠CHINESE #CCP≠CHINA #GETTRNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago英国钢琴家Dr K被中共威胁 #DrK #NFSC #Miles Guo #Take Down the CCP #CCP≠CHINESE #CCP≠CHINA #GETTRNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago精彩節選:郭先生對戰友的尊重,包容和大愛貫穿每一天❤️ 《跟随七哥的芳华》 小飞象Aila战友专场💕🥰《Follow Miles's Youth》Miles Guo NFSC Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE GETTRNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago郭先生對戰友保有極大的信任❤️ 《跟随七哥的芳华》 小飞象Aila战友专场💕🥰 《Follow Miles's Youth》Miles Guo NFSC Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE GETTRNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago精彩節選:印象最深刻的是,文貴先生磁場的強大——罗伊240124#跟隨七哥的芳華 #罗伊 #小蛋糕 #小宇宙 《Follow Miles's Youth》Miles Guo NFSC Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE GETTRNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago精彩節選:相親開始啦!看看誰的眼神在拉絲🤣🤣🤣240120 #跟隨七哥的芳華 #罗伊 #小蛋糕 #小宇宙 《Follow Miles's Youth》Miles Guo NFSC Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE GETTRNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago精彩節選,我和七哥交往,受七哥的影响,我是最大的直接收益者——罗伊240120#跟隨七哥的芳華 #罗伊 #小蛋糕 #小宇宙 《Follow Miles's Youth》Miles Guo NFSC Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE GETTRNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP